Principal's Welcome

I feel extremely privileged to be addressing you as the Principal of Coromandel Area School.  Our school has a rich and proud history in Coromandel Town, with generations of families having been through this kura.  

Our job is to not only look back at the past to help guide us into the future, but also look off into the horizon to journey to the ‘what if’ place, the ‘better than before’ place, the ‘let’s see what we can really do’ place.  

Our strategic aims for the next 3 years should reflect this, and over that time Coromandel Area School will continue to grow and flourish. With the valued support of our whānau and community we will develop and nurture our ākonga into strong ‘Kauri’ trees, who see no limits to what they can achieve in life, are proud of who they are, where they come from, and where they are heading.  

The values we now encompass – Empower, Protect, Identity & Connect – which we developed with our whole-school community, will guide our ākonga along their journey and I am confident that our graduates will be ready to take on the world, once they leave our shores.  

Nga mihi nui ki a koutou katoa

Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā tatou katoa.