Board of Trustees
Meeting Minutes & Principal's Reports
Position Name
Chairperson Anne Leef
Staff Representative Sheree Diaz
Deputy Chairperson Abby Morgan
Parent Representative Brianna Moody
Board Representative Mereana Maika
Co-opted Representative Gary Stroobant
Student Representative Luca Phillips
Principal Tracey Adams
Board Secretary Debbie D’Auvergne
2024 meeting dates:
23rd September
25th November
Public attendance at Board meetings
In general Board meetings are public meetings and members of our school community are most welcome to attend however speaking at the meeting is not permitted unless you have something put on the agenda. If you wish to attend, without speaking, please let the Board Secretary, Debbie d'Auvergne know prior to the meeting.
The Chairperson sets the agenda and approves which items and/or speakers are included for every meeting.
If you would like to address our Board of Trustees, please email your request to the Board Chairperson, Anne Leef or ring our Board Secretary, Debbie d'Auvergne through the School Office.
Your request should outline what it is you wish the Board to consider, which meeting you wish to attend and include any supporting information we need to review. We need this sent in at least two weeks prior to the meeting you wish your item to be tabled at.
If for some reason we are not able to include your item at a meeting your request would be tabled in our "inwards correspondence" section of the agenda, immediately following receipt of your request.
The Chairperson will confirm receiving your request and advise if you have been allocated speaking time and/or if your item will be part of our general discussion.
Board minutes are public documents so we need to be mindful of what and how we are communicating. Keeping it civil, simple and factual are good guidelines to follow.
There is further information about Board meetings on the NZSTA (New Zealand School Trustees Assoc.) website.
We usually have our meeting in the Boardroom next to the main reception at school.